Road trippin' is about what it does inside you. It's the search, the journey.
You will love what Rural Kansas offers. Enjoy the quirks and things you won't find in bigger cities.
Find some of the best and freshest food in the state.
Places we think you will love to shop.
…Morton County in southwest Kansas.
We don't often have a chance to explore this part of our state and it's a fascinating place to discover. Home of the Cimarron National Grasslands, located near the county seat of Elkhart, it contains 23 miles of the Santa Fe Trail - the largest section on public land. The views from Point of Rocks is incredible! The sky goes on forever and you can imagine thousands of wagons traveling through this wide open space. You'll also find excellent local eateries, shopping, history and a chance to stand in Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado all at the same time!
Stay tuned for updates on our Facebook page. Click here to learn more.
For lodging information click here. For AirBnB locations, click here.
We're changing up the format to explore more through Pop-Up Big Kansas Road Trips. Our first one was held August 24 in Blue Rapids - where we all went Rollin' around the Squircle (square circle). This new format allows Explorers to get together more often and in more places throughout the year with multiple one-day adventures. You'll be able to view this year's BKRT community listings through Labor Day, 2024.
See all the posts made before, during and since the BKRT on Facebook.
To read a wrap up of this years BKRT go to http://conta.cc/3V9dqwF
You can tell people about a good piece of made-from-scratch pie but there's nothing like actually smelling the aroma of it and taking that first bite and making swirls with the filling that drips on the plate and mixing it with the little pieces of sugary crust. Eating a pie in the location it's made is priceless. There is nothing like being there.
The Big Kansas Road Trip is designed to turn people on to exploring by doing it and to do it in a way that will help sustain our communities.
Kansas communities are bolstered by people who love to explore.
The idea is to get people onto the back roads and into Kansas towns to actually SEE PLACES. To actually EAT IN LOCAL CAFES and to talk to and GET TO KNOW THE LOCALS.